Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Life can get busy, you know?
I have ideas for things to post,
then they get lost during the
sometimes long drive home.

They'll resurface,
that's how it works.

Like I may have mentioned
previously, Trout Unlimited
is taking a bigger role in life.
I'm probably gonna be taking
on a much bigger role in it...
(there's still some thinkin' to do).
It's been an interesting 'ramping
up' over the last couple years,
to say the least.
Catching up on leadership manuals,
absorbing online versions of seminars,
learning about 'best practices' and
figuring out how all that works in
the real world, does it work?

So it's nice, it's so nice when
there's a chance to actually get
out onto the water, cuz that's
what all that work is about.

It's about the water.  And sharing it,
and preserving it, conserving it and
hoping (ensuring?) there'll be a next
generation to follow in these shallow
footsteps we leave behind.

Last week was the Youth Conservation
Camp at Allenberry.  It's a good thing to
see, it's rewarding to be a part of it. It
was eye opening yet again, being just
a bit more involved than last year.

Sure, it's a 'summer camp' type thing
I guess, but it's strenuous, what these
kids go through.  Lots and lots of
classroom time, balanced by some
much needed time on the the stream,
for everybody involved I'm sure.

I helped out with the evening fishing
sessions, ghillie-ing for the kids, offering
advice, a helping hand...basically being
a guide for the night.  Very interesting
experience, guiding, working with kids,
things I rarely do.

But like I mentioned, it's all about the
water...rejuvenating, refreshing cold water.
It's rewarding to share it and sometimes more
so just to experience it.  Sneak away for
some solo time just to find out what's there.

So thankful that I often find these
beautiful creatures there, leftovers
from the Ages of Ice....

I grew up playing down in the creek,
I can't imagine ever not doing so, and
I sure hope our's isn't one of the last
generations to do so.

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